Trading books and FAQs
How does trading used books works?
You can either bring your books to us or send us pictures via social media or e-mail. We will go through them and essentially “yay” or “nay” them. Then we will give you a dollar amount to use towards used books.
Guidelines for using credit:
- Credit can be used towards the purchase of used books and used puzzles only.
- Credit CANNOT be used towards NEW products marked with white tags with orange lines or products marked with GREEN price tags.
Premium Credit (Green Tag Books): To balance our inventory and ensure access to popular new releases, green tag books cannot be purchased with regular trade credit. Trade in green tag-quality books to earn premium credit, which can then be used for green tag purchases.
Guidelines for Trading books and puzzles:
- No books with writing on/in them, mold, broken bindings, ripped covers or pages, stains, hardcovers missing dust jackets, etc. No ex-library books. Ask yourself “Would I buy this book?”
- If we already have multiple copies of a title or author your book may not be accepted for credit.
- We may not accept certain genres or authors from time to time depending on quantities already in the store. Alternately if you choose to purchase the same quantity of books of the same genre or author we will accept your books to replace the space on the shelf.
- Please only bring 1 or 2 bags/boxes at a time. We do not have time to go through large quantities of books to determine credit during business hours while assisting customers
- We up to 20% trade credit for these books based on the condition/popularity of the books.
- Occasionally we may have new staff that is not trained to accept trades. They will accept your information and we will go through them when someone who is trained is next available. If you would like to be sure someone is available when you are coming in you may give us a call ahead of time.
So why would anyone donate when they can trade?
We are a small local business trying to stay a float just like so many others. When you donate you are helping a small business grow. We appreciate everyone who is here to support us in our mission.
That being said. Not all books are sellable. The same guidelines under trading books applies to donating them.
Thank you for all your support!!!
Do I need to make an appointment to bring in my books?
There is no need to make an appointment to bring books in, but please be advised it is going to take us some time to sort through them, especially if the store is busy. Please only bring 1 or 2 boxes or bags at a time. We do not have time to go through large quantities of books to determine credit during business hours while assisting customers.