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Linda Lael Miller

The McKettrick Way

Regular price
$3.00 CAD
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Sale price
$3.00 CAD
She wanted his baby... and he wanted her!

Meg McKettrick longs for a baby--husband optional. Perfect father material is gorgeous Brad O'Ballivan, old flame and new owner of his family's ranch in Stone Creek. But Meg--as strong, proud and stubborn as her ancestors on Indian Rock's Triple M ranch--wants to do things her way...the McKettrick way. And Brad feels just as strongly about the O'Ballivan way...

Love, marriage, babies and a lifetime to share--that's what Brad wants. Not a single night of pasion, an unexpected pregnancy and a woman who won't budge. For a rugged rodeo cowboy who never gives up, it's a battle of wills he intends to win...and nothing matters more than claiming Meg's wild McKettrick heart.