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Aviva Bel'Harold


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$12.00 CAD
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$12.00 CAD
With enhanced eyesight and an uncanny ability to know the future, Tia is not your average 17-yr-old. Neither is Teig. Genetically altered to look the role, he is sent from one school to the next in search of the perfect recruits. Tia is perfect, but if she's recruited she'll be killed. However, if Teig doesn't recruit her he will be instead.

CHiP, is a young adult novel that takes place in a future dystopia where Advanced Research in Micro Machine Biology—ARM for short—an enigmatic, yet increasingly powerful multinational corporation, is attempting to establish a worldwide presence. The Company, as its employees name it, seeks to induct new recruits from among promising high school students by planting agents among them. These agents are enhanced individuals who have been altered using revolutionary microchip technology that augments their pre-existing skills and even provides them with amazing new abilities. Their goal is to recruit new potential agents who will, in turn, extend the increasing reach of ARM throughout the globe. That is, if they survive the induction process.

Against this sinister backdrop play the lives of Tia Dellium, a rare survivor of the 2044 influenza epidemic, and Teigan Doe, a reluctant ARM recruiter. Tia and the youth of her generation are strictly controlled and segregated into schools that match up with their intelligence and career potential—a very Aldous Huxley-esque development. Relationships in Tia's world are rigidly controlled, even to the extent that physical contact between parents and children of opposite genders is severely restricted.

When the mysterious Teigan arrives at their school, Tia and her closest friend, Austin, are led to discover who he is and what his presence means. As an influenza survivor, Tia has developed some amazing gifts of her own, and she must use them to their fullest extent in order to unravel the secret behind Teigan's sudden appearance. A long-term ARM recruiting agent, Teigan has grown weary of the costs the Company exacts from him and its potential candidates. He longs for an escape, for a respite from his job—and especially from the reality that many do not survive their recruitment. On seeing Tia, Teigan is both smitten and horrified, for even as she becomes indelibly etched upon the fabric of his mind, he's aware that becoming involved with him is a near-certain death sentence for her.