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Jeffries, Sheila: Cornish Orphan, A

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$6.00 CAD
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$6.00 CAD

Following a terrible storm, seven-year-old Lottie is rescued from a shipwreck by local Cornishman, Arnie Lanroska. Her clothing suggests she comes from a wealthy family, but Lottie's back bears the scars of a severe beating, and how she came to be on a cargo ship in the first place remains a mystery . . .

Arnie and his wife already have two young children, Matt and Tom, but are desperate to keep Lottie. They decide to foster her, despite outcries from the local community, and though Matt appears hesitant to get close to Lottie, Tom quickly warms to the new sister in his life.

But when tragedy strikes the very heart of the Lanroska family, the repercussions could change the lives of everyone close to them . . .